
The New World (2005)
Directed by:Terrence Malick

MPAA: Rated PG-13 for some intense battle sequences.
Runtime: 135 min / Argentina:125 min (Mar del Plata Film Festival) / UK:150 min
Country: USA
Language: English

The New World,2005OSCAR提名影片。吸引我收藏得原因是,喜欢英国或美国中世纪以前的风格电影,透露着原始的质朴和人性的纯真。The New World 风格完全是探险+爱情,英国寻找新大陆的探险小伙子遇见土著部落美丽的姑娘,一段爱情故事从此展开......

精神引导着爱情,像阳光透过树林落在草地上般自然、美丽 ;




  1. 我特意去 emule下载了1G 多的这布电影来看,结果看到一半就睡着了,

    不过它的主题曲“listen to the wind-james horner ”倒是很不错听哟

  2. 这部电影有很多优美句子:
    John Smith: He who does not work, will not eat.
    Pocahontas: Did you find your Indies, John? You shall.
    Captain John Smith: I may have sailed past them.
    Pocahontas: I will find joy in all I see.
    John Smith: [voice over] If only I could go down that river. To love her in the wild, forget the name of Smith. I should tell her. Tell her what? It was just a dream. I am now awake.
    Captain Argall: Conscience is a nuisance. A fly. A barking dog.
    Captain John Smith: Love... shall we deny it when it visits us... shall we not take what we are given.
    John Rolfe: [voice over] Sweet wife, love made the bond, love can break it too.
    John Rolfe: I think you still love the man. In my vanity, I thought I could make you love me and one can not do that or should not.
    John Smith: [voiceover] They are gentle, loving, faithful, lacking in all guile and trickery. The words denoting lying, deceit, greed, envy, slander, and forgiveness have never been heard. They have no jealousy, no sense of possession. Real, what I thought a dream.
    Captain Argall: I have information Smith here, wants to marry the wench and make himself king of Virginia.
    Ben: Captain Newport, sir, I found oysters. They're as thick as my hands. They're the size of stones sir and there's fish everywhere they're flapping against your legs. We're gonna live like kings.
    Pocahontas: He has killed the God within me,
    John Rolfe: What interests you?
    Pocahontas: I like grass.
    John Smith: I thought it was dream... what we knew in the forest. It's the only truth.
    Captain Argall: Captain Smith is the only professional soldier among us.
    Captain Edward Wingfield: Smith, sir? What are... what are.. what are his qualifications?
    Captain Argall: Those you lack.
    Captain John Smith: [voice over] Who are you whom I so faintly hear? Who urge me ever on? What voice is this that speaks within me... guides me towards the best? We shall make a new start. A fresh beginning. Here the blessings of the earth are bestowed upon all. None need grow poor. Here there is good ground for all, and no cost but one's labor. We shall build a true common wealth, hard work and self reliance our virtues. We shall have no landlords to reack us with high rents or extort the fruit of our labor.




