[Daily Tweets]
00:19 韩媒消息:经科学家研究,南非世界杯对阵韩国队上演帽子戏法的阿根廷球员冈萨洛·伊瓜因的祖先是韩国人。 # 01:46 [Photo] Waking the dead. by *juliadavis on deviantART: coze posted a new favorite picture (via): tinyurl.com/37lwcub # 13:06 [GReader]Get 1 year of Remember The Milk Pro + 5 other awesome web apps in the AppSumo Productivity Bundle, goo.gl/hNbI # 13:06 [GReader]全平台 Chrome Dev 分支升级到 6.0.437.2,终于等来扩展同步, goo.gl/lkne # 13:10 [Listening] Massive At tack – Atlas Air: www.last.fm/music/Massive+Attack tinyurl.com/3xercl7 # 13:31 [GReader]创新工厂面试经历 - 窦宁波 的专栏 - CSDN博客, goo.gl/au5g # 13:31 [GReader]Twitter的设计原则 | 互联网的那点事, goo.gl/B374 # 13:34 奥巴马的亲笔签名 twitgoo.com/144njp # 14:12 [Listening] Massive Attack – One Love: www.last.fm/music/Massive+Attack tinyurl.com/387wk a4 # 14:45 [Listening] UNKLE – Lonely Soul: www.last.fm/music/UNKLE tinyurl.com/3ywlcpm # 15:16 [Listening] Freddie Mercury & Montserrat Caballé – Barcelona: www.last.fm/music/Freddie%2BMercury%2B%... tinyurl.com/2wvctwa # 18:53 ...