
5 Steps To Change Any Habit

Change the habit of thought and you change the attitude. Change the attitude and you change the resulting action. Step 1 : Write down specifically what you are trying to do and by when. Step 2 : What are the obstacles? List everything that is stopping you. What are your inadequacies? What do you need to get there that you don't already have? What is it that's blocking you? Why aren't you already there? Step 3 : WRITE a plan to overcome EACH obstacle. List your action steps 1... 2... 3... etc. for each obstacle from above. Be as specific as possible. What will it take to get you past the obstacle that is blocking you from what you want? Step 4 : List the benefits to you. Step 5 : Is it worth it? This question must be answered very carefully and honestly. If the answer is yes, do it and DO IT NOW! However, if the answer is no, The amount of time we waste feeling guilty is a tragedy of human existence. Success is on ongoing journey... not a destination. The only time you fa...


年 底了,看到很多人在blog上开始进行年终总结和未来瞻望。一看到这些东西,我就想起老家一户人家每年不变的对联横批“又一年”!三个字,带着许多沧桑和些许无奈。 我是个计划性不强的人,总是计划跟着变化屁股后面跑。这也注定了自己有所为和有所不能为。 今晚在朋友那里把两个域名搞定了,明天之后这两个域名就收为我的门下。其中一个要感谢 星月 大侠,我还答应过人家未来我的IDEA实现了,请他老人家回来做CXO,顺便喝XO。其中一个域名很是要感谢 1pic.cn 道长 老盛 ,帮我抢注下来。老盛最近废寝忘食、披星戴月的在狠很研究中国互联网,想乘中国互联网的这波春风实现二次创业,搅动纳斯达克股市一浪春波,所以每晚基本上都能在深夜skype上看到他,偶尔也陪他把麦话英雄。但愿他能早日成为新一轮中国互联网新贵。 我的两个域名,一个早有他用,不过想法都不是很成熟,虽然跃跃欲试,但是就怕死悄悄,所以一直爬着不敢动。另外一个,准备拿来当作消遣,怎么消遣?现在互联网上五花八门,应该弄些有意思的东西出来才行。 如果说对下一年的瞻望,应该这些会成为来年的一部分,不是全部,但是这些是自己喜欢做的。 Technorati Tags: coze , web2.0 , 新年 , 创业