5 Steps To Change Any Habit

Change the habit of thought and you change the attitude. Change the attitude and you change the resulting action.
Step 1: Write down specifically what you are trying to do and by when.

Step 2: What are the obstacles?

List everything that is stopping you. What are your inadequacies? What do you need to get there that you don't already have? What is it that's blocking you? Why aren't you already there?

Step 3: WRITE a plan to overcome EACH obstacle. List your action steps 1... 2... 3... etc. for each obstacle from above. Be as specific as possible. What will it take to get you past the obstacle that is blocking you from what you want?

Step 4: List the benefits to you.

Step 5: Is it worth it? This question must be answered very carefully and honestly. If the answer is yes, do it and DO IT NOW! However, if the answer is no,

The amount of time we waste feeling guilty is a tragedy of human existence.

Success is on ongoing journey... not a destination. The only time you fail is when you quit or never get up after falling down.

Two keys to rocket-powering your efforts are the principles of Affirmations and Visualization. Nothing can propel your efforts as much as these two concepts and nothing can more guarantee the outcome of your efforts than Affirmations and Visualization.

AFFIRMATIONS are positive statements of fact as you intend them to be. Because affirmations are "statements of fact", affirmations must be written in the present tense... the subconscious can only operate in the present, never the future.

Affirmations must be repeated over and over until they are internalized and become fact. WRITE affirmations down! POST affirmations everywhere... and READ YOUR AFFIRMATIONS OFTEN!

VISUALIZATION is seeing the object of your desire with your mind's eye. But visualizations is more than that if you want it to be. The more detailed and focused your visualization, the faster the transformation will occur.
quote " Credit / Debt Management"


