The Map is Not The Territory

 The meaning of the expression the map is not the territory is the following: Maps are representations of reality, but they are not reality.

The latter is extremely important.

You can’t blindly trust your GPS device when you drive. You use it for navigation. But you still need to keep your eyes on the road.

With this in mind, think about a recent problem you’ve encountered.

Looking solely at the “map” – statistic, data, what people share. Won’t always solve the problem. Most of the time, you need more information. More real-world data.

Rarely things are exactly like the map. After all, maps don’t show fallen trees and flooded rivers.

Similarly, a resume doesn’t show the actual skills of the person. They only represent what the person thinks he knows. Two different things.

So, when there is an unpleasant situation. Don’t simply stare at data and statistics. Explore the terrain by yourself to see what’s actually happening.


