[图志]My favorite Photo:SHOW ME THE OBI ! -- THE OSHIMA ISLAND GIRLS of Old Japan

These are the off-shore Island Girls who beg to differ with their sisters on the Japanese Mainland. They NEVER wear their hair in the traditional NIHON GAMI style seen in all of the other old photos of Japanese women --- not even on special occasions --- and they tie their narrow black OBI in the FRONT in a traditional knot after only a couple of simple belt-like wraps. As for their HAIR, almost without exception they grow it down to their feet, and keep it wrapped and piled on top of their heads during the day --- under various fashionable "bandanna scarves" that suit their fancy. Outside of the PROSTITUTES, these are the only other women in Japan who keep the bow to the front for their everyday, work-a-day lives. And even when the Oshima Girls trade in their Kimonos seen above, for much nicer ones to be worn during special occasions, the bow still stays in the front, and gets much BIGGER and FANCIER ! www.flickr.com/photos/24443965@N08/2569213059/in/set-7215... For the record, Flickr member HusuiJADE mentions that interesting THIRD OPTION of the HEIAN PERIOD that deals with fixing things in the front --- the JU-NI HITOE. This is that fantastic mulit-layered robe, primarily seen worn by cased dolls, and in Museum displays --- and on rare special occasion worn by the Royal Family, and by necessity, Actors in movies and plays of the period. For a great diversion, read the descriptions and see examples of this beautiful extravagance (and great waste of good fabric) HERE : www.clotheslinejournal.com/heian.html and en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J%c5%abnihitoe For a JAPANESE link, see HisuiJADE's Comment # 4 below. As for our girls in the photo above, see some their long hair pics, and a fancy bow photo at the Okinawa-Soba OSHIMA link below..... www.flickr.com/search/?w=24443965@N08&q=Oshima+Island... http://flic.kr/p/57ERcS


