[Daily Tweets]
今日语录: 00:02 [Daily Tweets] ff.im/-8EzRW # 05:29 [GReader Share]Use Google Sidewiki without the Google Toolbar - Read Sidewiki Comments for any Site j.mp/1vL70 ||test} # 09:36 rt @Atogey: RT @jason5ng32* RT: @foku: RT: @ollllo: 传昨天下午,前门同仁堂又有男子被砍死。目击者称,砍人者与被砍者绝对不认识,被砍者正跟朋友电话中说要买什么药呢,突然就被砍了。不过,瞬间里,同仁堂里的顾客间变出6个便衣, ... # 09:42 [GReader Share]Dropbox Reaches 2 Million Users; Continues to Grow j.mp/3tBV0v # 09:46 rt @mranti: 北京积水潭医院附近新疆饭店爆炸 RT @maggierauch twitpic.com/j0fp1 - My local Xinjiang restaurant just blew up # 09:58 [GReader Share]Nocs is a Google Docs-Powered Notepad Clone [Downloads] bit.ly/3Bllim # 10:01 [GReader Share]Evernote 3.5 Beta Brings Tons of Tiny Fixes to Windows [Downloads] j.mp/AQXFU # 10:15 试试EverNote beta版 # 16:18 任务中国真垃圾,一个哥们中标了,扣了客户的钱不说,还要押款2周。客户都认可了,网站非要评价出来一个最好的。逗死我了 # 16:37 谁要brizzly.com,还有几个 # 16:39 为了给朋友要回公道,刚才给 任务中国 网站打了个电话,接电话的小伙子,哑口无言,哈 # 16:54 @ JudahXIII mail给我 # 19:41 RT @creattica: 5 Creative Uses for Dropbox bit.ly/M4...